AI and games

Workshop with level 3 Games Design & Art students, October 2019


Giddings, Seth 2014 ‘Soft worlds and AI’ (extract from chapter 3 of) Gameworlds: virtual media and children’s everyday play. New York: Bloomsbury.

Giddings, Seth 2007 ‘Playing with nonhumans: videogames as technocultural form’, in Suzanne de Castell & Jen Jenson (eds) Worlds in Play: international perspectives on digital games research, Peter Lang.

Johnson, Robin 2014 ‘Artificial intelligence’, in Mark J.P. Wolf & Bernard Perron (eds) The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies. New York: Routledge. 

Mateas, Michael 2003 ‘Expressive AI: games and artificial intelligence’, proceedings of Level Up: DiGRA conference, Utrecht: University of Utrecht.